To define your need, please use the space calculator just beside.
It will help you to estimate the volume that you need to store.

  1. Calculate the value of your property and make sure they are covered by your insurance.
  2. Label clearly all your boxes so that you will easily find what you need.
  3. Keep in our home a detailed list of your boxes with their contents.
  4. Place large or heavy boxes at the base of the storage box and put lighter items on the top.
  5. Do not place heavy items on a sofa or mattress, they may be distorted.
  6. Use solid boxes of the same size in order to optimize space usage
  7. Wrap table legs and furniture to prevent bumps and scratches. For example use a blanket to protect them.
  8. Wrap delicate items in protective packaging such as paper-bubble and write "fragile" on the boxes.
  9. Use wardrobe boxes to store your clothes and avoid wrinkles. Clothes and bedding should be cleaned and dried completely. 
  10. Lawnmowers, petrol or diesel engines must be drained before being stored.
  11. Refrigerators and freezers must be fully defrosted and dried for storage. Their doors must be ajar to facilitate ventilation.
  12. Cooking utensils such as pressure cookers, mixers should be cleaned and not greasy.
  13. Books and records must be stored horizontally, and they should not be placed directly on the ground.
  14. Leave a space between your cartons and the walls of the box to allow ventilation, or press any furniture or heavy objects against the walls of the box.
  15. Be careful not to store flammable products such as paint and chemicals, or such as food or perishable.
  16. Always use quality locks for your box. Locks are available at reception.

Space calculator

Plase use this calculator to help you to estimate the space that you will need to rent.

Il est interdit de stocker...


It is strictly forbidden to store perishables, liquids, corrosive or flammable gases, gasoline, motor vehicles (including tires.)  and any other illegal substance